Get WL & Mint Zeroloss OAT

Aug 4, 2023

We have create the last opportunity for people to get the Zeroloss OAT, there will be no more minting after this.
The Future of DeFi is in Web3, mint and get Zeroloss OAT to become a Zerolosser for ever. Zeroloss OAT is your pass to ZeroVersse the web3 ecosystem of Zeroloss DeFi, every Zeroloss NFT holder is an automatic member of Zeroloss DAO.
Zeroloss DAO holding the Zeroloss OAT will claim ZLT harvest every 24hrs in our DeFi utility dApp
Zeroloss is the Utility, $ZLT is the currency with zero tax.

Zeroloss OAT is a must have to gaining guarantee Zeroloss Airdrop allocation

The whitelist is live now Join




DeFi 3.0 | ZeroVerse dApp to Earn, Stake, Farm and Rug Checker